Production company: Zouka
Broadcast: NTR
Producer: Asma El-Fassi
Director: Sarah Vasen
Camera: Gijs Wilbers
Sound recording: Olivier Terpstra
Production company: Klop Media
Broadcast: Omroep Zwart
Producer: Julian Klop
Director: Annick Luijkx
Camera: Patricia Gooijer
Sound design: Olivier Terpstra
Production company: Zouka
Broadcast: Omroep Zwart
Directors: Loubna Yandouzi & Abdelkarim El-Fassi
Camera: Lars Ham
Sound recording: Olivier Terpstra
Mix: Sam van Eenbergen / Zondergeluid
During WWII, those who were 'wrong' could sometimes take that (family) secret to the grave. Until now. Monique (56), mother of the documentary maker Lisa Hukker, can finally investigate the precise background of her tainted surname after a change in the law, now that the Central Archive for Special Jurisdiction is open. In this intimate documentary, mother and daughter confront the truth head-on. What do they discover about the NSB past of their (great) grandfather? Will they, as descendants, be judged again for the actions of an ancestor, eighty years later?
Director: Lisa Hukker
Camera: Thom Loohuis
Sound recording: Olivier Terpstra, Bram van Kaauwen & David Warringa
Production Company: Pastrami Film Co.
Director: Dominique Gimberg
D.O.P.: Bart Hoveijn
Producer: Dion Ghijsen
Sound recording: Olivier Terpstra
Production company: Session One
Producer & directed: Leanne Vink
Excetive producer: Timothy Wormhoudt & Leanne Vink
D.O.P: Nikolai van Nunen
Edit & colorgrade: Walter van Alewijk
Sound recording/sound mix: Olivier Terpstra
Production Company: Pastrami Film
Director: Dion Ghijsen
Camera: Marc Scherpenzeel
Sound design/composing: Olivier Terpstra
8 februari - 20 mei 2024
Roelant Savery's Wondrous World, featuring over 40 paintings and drawings, including works on loan from museums in the Netherlands and abroad, will introduce visitors to this highly versatile artist.
Production company: Gado Gado Film & Mauritshuis Den Haag
Concept & Production - Marlyn van Gool
Design & Motion Design - Mette Menting
Handpan - Jelle Ligthart
Spring 2023
Production company: Gado Gado Film & Mauritshuis Den Haag
Sound design/composing: Olivier Terpstra
Visuals and dialogue: Meshkat Talebi
Sound design/composing: Olivier Terpstra